Discover Your

Kingdom Citizenship

About Redemption Schools

New Kingdom Citizens School

  • In Move Forward You Will Learn:

    You Are Saved

    • There was a divine exchange at the Cross that empowers believers to experience the new birth and receive all that Jesus is.

    The Blood

    • The blood of the Lamb redeems, cleanses, justifies, and intercedes for us as we purposefully activate it in a believers life.

    God’s Word

    • In the Word of God (the Bible), we find the true nature of the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit as well as our identity in Christ.

    Baptism in the Holy Spirit

    • Believers receive power to transform and be all that God created them to be when they are baptized in the Holy Spirit.

  • In Breakthrough Family You Will Learn:

    The Marriage Covenant

    • A marriage covenant is more than a mere contact between two unrelated people. It is a holy and pure joining of a man and woman before God that manifests God's Kingdom.

    Roles, Functions, Responsibilities

    • There are roles, functions, and responsibilities within a marriage covenant that must align with our Heavenly Father’s plans and purposes for marriage.


    • As a son of God, you'll gain an understanding that all you have belongs to God and being a steward of what is His will release blessings in your life.


    • Breakthrough families engaging in Godly communication creates a mutual understanding and unity through love.

  • In Freedom Gathering You Will Learn:

    You Are Accepted

    • Recognizing deep wounds that cause you to be captured by rejection, and how to be set free through forgiveness.

    Overcoming Fear

    • Overcoming the bondage created by the spirit of fear in your life, and how to be set free through the grace and power of our Heavenly Father.

Discipleship School

  • In Rooted In Discipleship You Will Learn:

    The Joy of Discipleship

    • The great joy that being a disciple of Christ brings as you grow and mature into the character and love of God.

    Walking in The Spirit

    • Through discipleship, you learn to walk in the Spirit to access the mind of Christ and live the great life that our Heavenly Father wants you to live.


    • Persistent and genuine prayers aligned to the vision and purposes of God for your life are musts for disciples of Christ.


    • The revelation of the supernatural life of abundance as a citizen of His Kingdom.

    Why Discipleship

    • Strategic wisdom on continuing to walk out, through discipleship, the salvation the blood of Jesus has provided for you.

  • In Fruit Bearing Disciples You Will Learn:

    The Seed is Love

    • Through discipleship, we are able to express His love in action while efficiently operating the gifts of the Spirit with the seeds of His Word and Spirit.

    Bearing the Fruit of Joy

    • As the seeds of His Word and His Spirit are poured out upon us as we walk in love, it will cause joy to spring up on the inside of you.

    His Peace for Bitterness

    • As His disciples, we are to develop the character of Christ in us as we walk in the Spirit loving one another, continually exchanging His peace for our bitterness.

    The Breath of Thanksgiving

    • Strategic wisdom on living a lifestyle of praise and worship under any circumstance, as our hearts are submitted to bearing the fruits of The Spirit.

    Jesus' Roots Bear Good Fruit

    • The true root we must desire to have in our lives is Jesus. In doing so, we see the abundance from being planted in His righteousness.

  • In Healing Gathering You Will Learn:

    The Family

    • God has commanded His blessings to come upon families that live in love and unity.

    The Broken Spirit

    • God wants your whole heart. Allow Him to bind up the wounds in your life, so that He can heal your broken spirit.

    The Accuser

    • How does the accuser use words that accumulate in our heart as wounds? We will deal with the words, knowingly or unknowingly, of false accusations.

    The Truce Breaker

    • Truce Breakers undermine agreements that resonate with our identity in Christ. They use shame as a tool to mask us with falsehoods, sown by the enemy, to rob us of our true identity and hinder our closeness with God — His desire is for you to live life unashamed.

    The Orphan Spirit

    • God created us, He loves us and He calls us sons. Break away from the orphan spirit that lives life without natural affection and enjoy the blessing of Fatherhood in God.

    Hallowed Be Thy Name

    • How to hallow the Lord’s name in order to continuously live in His glory.

Mentors School

  • In Come Like A Child You Will Learn:

    Like A Child

    • You have answered the call; now it’s time to know, understand, and align yourself with the Kingdom and shift into position to forcefully advance the Kingdom of God.


    • The core of mentorship is love for God’s people. As a disciple first who comes like a child, a mentor chooses to cross the line from disciple to mentor — to serve and not be served.


    • God’s word is faithful and true. As you stand in agreement with His faithfulness, your faithfulness will be sustained.

    Prayer and Intercession

    • As a mentor, it’s important to have great faith and to know your authority in Christ — this is revealed through prayer and intercession.

    The Power of the Cross

    • The cross is the highest altar. You have dominion and authority to destroy demonic altars in your life — to walk in freedom, liberation, and prosperity.

  • In The Blood Empowers You Will Learn:

    A Heart of War

    • Learn how to destroy the strongholds of your heart to build the Kingdom of God.

    Faith in the Houses of Redemption

    • Discover how faith begins where the will of God is known, a pattern revealed by Jesus.

    Forming Disciples Under Authority

    • Receive the revelation to partner with God as a believer and mentor while remaining in relationship with God.

    Miracles, Signs, and Wonders Follow Disciples

    • Increase your faith with doctrinal truths regarding miracles and prepare yourself to move with power.

    The Blood, A Weapon of War

    • Practical revelation for times of war are released in this class in such a way that victory becomes your dwelling place.

  • In Gathering of Altars You Will Learn:

    Old Nature Crucified

    • In this class you will learn how the old nature is crucified and the new creature requires perpetual, that is, continual communion with God.

    The Flesh Crucified

    • The flesh requires a renewing of the mind, and a transformation of old habits to new ones that reveal Gods truth. Truths that when lived by make a way for divine exchanges with God.

    The World Crucified

    • When our new man becomes flesh, that is when we are led by the Spirit of Truth separating ourselves from the world and the world will crucify us. Gain an understanding of how what we worship is what we'll become.

    Altar of Your Father’s House

    • Gideon had to be delivered from His Fathers house. This class will take you on a journey to be delivered from your fathers house.

    The Blood, The Door To Life

    • Learn about applying The Blood and walk into the door of your promises.

Ready to start your journey of transformation? Sign up for the next available school.